A Letter from the Rose-Bearer

Hello, my name is Roanna Fernandes.

Rose and the Moon
1 min readSep 11, 2020

Should you find yourself at Rosewater., welcome. Welcome to my secret garden, where the offerings are aplenty, and the sun and moon shine. I hope you might like to set down your weary limbs here and fill up a cup or two. Drink up, drink up! I’ve made rose lemonade for you.

What might you find here? Love-letters, magical mysteries, remedies, rituals, solutions, strangeness, sweetness. Who am I? I am Roanna. That’s all I’ll say for now. This garden was formed when I had no seeds nor soil. I crumpled down upon the ground then, forlorn and frustrated. When the earth cracked open, and swallowed me whole… I went in, I sank. Down, down, down to its very dreary depths. And from there, I began to ferment, wither, shed what was, and miraculously, take root. Seasons passed me by. I changed, I grew. Who I am now is not a whole garden, yet. There are trees, here, yes. Farmers and gnomes. Fruits and tomes. Some things that you might like, some you won’t. This is what it is. A sacred space to call my home. (My roselada.)

Welcome to Rosewater.

I’ll say more, soon.


