The Birth of Venus

Rose and the Moon
2 min readJun 30, 2022


Release the love, forget the rest.

July holds jewels for me. The month marks the advent of the rains where I live, the birthday of a dear friend, a time when I began my ‘current’ journalling practice, and this is the season I was conceived (Imma check with my Mum, real quick!). July and summer don’t quite vibe on the same frequency in the Indian subcontinent as is so in part of the world — that being said, this transit started off on a note that made me think of summertime in the United States — spending time by (and in) one’s backyard pool, reading, swimming, eating ice-cream etc. I won’t lie, some of this came to the fore because of a show I started watching around the time. But… Summer in July. A vibe!

The Chills Are Alive

Tucking into these thoughts, ‘Shy Girl Summer’ highlighted a distinctive energy for me. The Rise of Lounging. Enjoying breaks, doing your thang. Forgetting the group, for the while. Feeling that spark within, restored by the sweet waters of life… Baptismal Cancerian energies, and Death of the old. This awareness is a nice thing to come into after what feels like an age to me. Whilst clearing and purging over the past coupla weeks, part of the old me went… I lost some of my spark. Which happens, and is not unnatural, I suppose… so, when I sensed flickers of it aflame, it felt like a moment to have it return to me — cleared of old cache, fine-tuned, and whole.

Catharsis is great but it wore me out, and now… I would like myself some Purple Palm Tree Delight, please ◡̈ I won’t be fussed, I won’t be rushed, and I like knowing that none of this is because “I don’t care anymore” either. I am not without hope, my dudes. I am simply learning to acclimatize to the new within than what’s around me seeking me out. It can wait. I cannot. I am here. Right here! I am outgrowing spaces and phases, and life is returning, seven-fold. I have been to Shell and back, and I want to support my Rising from the foamy waters of the Cancerian Sea.

God Bless You

Thank you for reading.

A note: Let it be known that much as it’d be sweet, that you feel welcome here, experiences and views expressed on Rosewater. are deeply, truly, madly personal. (Unless stated otherwise.) Should they strike a chord with your own musings and reflections, that’s lovely, and if not, that’s cool too. This collection contains no facts, solo personal musings and truths.

